Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Tutorial week 8

Reference materials: Lecture notes 5, 6, 7 and relevant book chapters

Question 1 :- Quantitative vs Qualitative Research
  • What are the different between Quantitative Research and Qualitative Research? Briefly explain their respective characteristics.
  • What are the examples of research methods used in qualitative research and quantitative research?
  • List the advantage and disadvantage of each of these research methodologies.
Quantitative Research
Qualitative Research
Qualitative Research Method Advantage & Disadvantage

Question 2 :- Levels of Measurement for Variables

  • Determine 4 possible attributes (examples) for each of the variables in the list below and then identify the level of measurement (nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio) to which they belong.
     1. Ethnic background of the employees in ABC Company.
#:- Answer: Chinese, Malay, Indian, Dusun ; [Level]: Nominal

     2. Number of political articles that The Daily Nation newspaper covered on the  upcoming elections in the last month.
#:- Answer: 0, 1, 2, 3 ; [Level]: Ratio

     3. Attitude of a person towards censorship of sexual content on the Internet, measured on a Likert Scale.
#:- Answer: Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral, Agree, Strongly Agree ; [Level]: Interval

     4. Number of hours a person watches TV in a week.
#:- Answer: 0, 1, 2, 3 ; [Level]: Ratio

     5. Education level of a Malaysian working in the media industry.
#:- Answer: SPM, Diploma, Degree, Master ; [Level]: Ordinal
or:- Answer: 0 years, 2 years, 4 years, 6 years ; [Level]: Ratio  

Angelina Lee Tze Theng