Monday, 24 December 2012

Journal Article Summary

The research is about Islam and tourism. It explores online imagery of Islam in Malaysia,
it provided many research results and quoted from many academic books relating to the research.
Each section is necessary as each section is linked to the other sections. without one section, the reader would get lost.
The main research questions in the article were:
(a) How do Malaysian DMOs perceive Islam’s role in promoting their destination to Muslim and non-Muslim tourists?

(b) How do Malaysian DMO websites differ among themselves in portraying Islamic images?
(c) How do Malaysian DMO websites portray Islamic images during festive and non-festive seasons?

The researchers conducted their research through interviews. They had interviews with Malaysian national to state level destination marketing organizations (DMOs). All DMOs were presented two questions :
(a) What is the role of Islam in promoting your destination to Muslim and non-Muslim tourists?
(b) How does your website reflect Islam to promote your destination?
As a result, all DMOs responded to the questions and their identities remained anonymous.
The interview results were, it is inevitable that Islam is the official religion, it was agreed that Islam was
important in promoting Malaysia as a tourist destination, they disagreed on the
In conclusion, although Islam is the official religion in Malaysia. It is obvious that it is not the only religion in Malaysia, and the people living in Malaysia are still able to get along with each other despite the fact that they believe in different religions.
The authors used online religious websites, and interview results for their research.
Any future research should validate the new variables as well as add more catagories and c=variables to get a clearer picture of online Muslim imagery. Future researchers should compare  how government and private agencies differ in portraying Islam on their websites and many more topics.