Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Tutorial Week 7

Reference materials: Lecture notes 3,4 and relevant book chapters.

Question 1
Define Independent and Dependent Variables.

Provide two examples of how a dependent variable in one study could be used as an independent variable in a different study.

Independent Variable is the variable that is manipulated by the researcher where as dependent variable is the result or respond that is observed by the researcher.

Teenagers attitudes towards different types of games.
IV- Different types of games
DV- Teenagers attitudes

Different types of teenagers attitudes prefers which type of games.
IV- types of teenagers attitudes 
DV- types of games

Question 2
An operational definitions specifies the procedures to be followed to experience or measure a concept/variable. There is no single foolproof method to operationally defining a variable. The researcher must decide which method is the best suited for the research problem at hand.

Provide your own operational definition of each of following variables. In other words, if your research involves the following variables, how would you SPECIFICALLY define/observe/measure them?

1. Prime-time Television Programmes
Operational definition of the variable ' Prime-time television programmes ' is defined as television programs that are aired from 7-9pm on 8TV.

2. Students' attitude in lectures
Operational definition of the variable ' students' attitude in lectures' is observed by where the students sits in a lecture hall.
Row 1- Good attitude
Row 2- Neutral attitude
Row 3- Bad attitude

3. Addicted smartphone users
Operational definition of the variables ' addicted smartphone users' is observed by the amount of apps downloaded by the smart phone user in a day.
0 apps- not addicted
5 apps- Fairly addicted 
10 apps- addicted 

Siti Amellia Bt Mohamed Feroz 

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Tutorial Week 5 :D

*Reference Materials: Lecture notes 4 and relevant text book chapters*

Question 1

Scientific research must be internally and externally valid. What do Internal Validity and External Validity mean

  • Internal Validity: Study investigate the proposed research questions.
  • External Validity: Results of findings can be generalized to the population

Question 2

What do researchers need to take into account when ensuring that their research results are externally and internally valid? 

Internal Validity

  • History:
  •  Events that occur during a study may affect the subjects' attitudes, opinions, and behavior.      
    [Example: Michael Jackson passing away might affect people's answer on their favorite pop star.]

  • Maturation:
  • Subjects' biological and psychological characteristics might change during the course of the study. Subjects might get tired, hungry, blurry, becoming older etc.

  • Testing:
  • Subjects are given similar pretest and posttest. Posttest might not be truthful because subjects could be bias etc.                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
    To Solve this problem, researches must have different subjects for pretest and posttest.

  • Instrumentation:
  • Also known as Instrument Decay. Deterioration of research instruments or methods over the course of a study. Equipments will wear out, people get tired etc.                                                                                                             
    To Avoid this problem, have more than one instruments, more subjects, more equipments etc.

  • Experimental Mortality:
  • Subjects will drop out for one reason or another, subjects might die off or refuse to continue the research. 
    To Prevent this problem, better to have more subjects, backup subjects.

External Validity

  • Random Samples: Allows researches to gather information from a variety of subjects rather than from those who may share similar attitudes, opinions, and lifestyles. (Random samples = everyone has an equal chance of being selected for the research study)
  • Heterogeneous samples and replicate (repeat) the study several times: Allows researches to test hypotheses and research questions and not worry that the results will apply to only one type of subject. (Don't be bias of the subjects.)
  • Select a sample that is representative of the group: Basic common sense, the subjects being related to the study.                                                                                                                                                    [Example: results from a study of a group high school students can't be generalized to a group of college students.]

Grace  C:
Tan Yong Loke

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Tutorial week 4

*Reference materials: Lecture notes 2 and 3 and relevant text book chapters*

Question 1

Research is divided into two major sectors - academic and private. From your textbook, read up on the section relating to academic vs private research and summarize the points that differentiate between these two. You may find this reading in Chapter 1 of Wimmer and Dominick (pg 14-16 in the latest 9th edition)

Public colleges & universities
Ø   Conduct public sector research
Non-governmental companies
Ø  Conduct private sector research
Ø   Share raw data
Ø  Results are private, cannot be obtained by others
Ø  Business competition (You share, you lose)
Don’t have specific deadline
(comparison with private sector)
Operate under some type of deadline
(comparison with academic sector)
Less expensive (comparison with private sector)
Ø   cover overhead costs
Ø   Low cost motivates large media companies
Ø  Must consider such expenses
Ø  For professional people
Ø  Need resources from expert fields
Ø   Perform many studies for industry
Ø  Theoretical / scholarly

Question 2

1.     Selecting & defining research problem.
·        Is it worth doing?
·        Make sure the topic is relevant to society.
2.     Determine topic.
·        Is it worth to conduct?
·        Relevant to society.
·        Significant.
3.     Review of literature.
·        Review                              =    Look back
·        Literature                        =    What researchers has done before your research   
                                                             Exhaustive (cover every single thing)
4.     Stating hypothesis / research questions
·        Stating                               =    Create
·        Hypothesis                      =    A statement / A former regarding
                                                              relationship between variables
·        Research Questions     =    General / Open-ended questions
·        What you wish to find out / investigate.
·        Questions you want to find out to answer your research.
5.     Collect relevant data
·        Pre-design
·        Getting answer for my research
·        Exmaples :            Questionnaire
    Interview Question
    Coding Sheet
6.     Analyze and interpret the results
·        Collecting information
7.     Present the results in an appropriate form
·        Analyze
·        Conclusion (from data)
         Example : 60% prefer xx , 40% prefer yy
8.     Presenting result in an appropriate form
·        Publish in journal

Xyi :D
Chua Xin Yi

Saturday, 13 October 2012

Tutorial week 2 :)

*Reference material : Lecture notes 1 and relevant text book chapters*

Question 1
Define "scientific research" in your own words by answering the following: What does research mean? What does research hope to achieve? Why do we need scientific research?

( As much as possible, use your own words and description to explain your understanding.)

  • scientific research is public
  • work must include information on sampling methods, measurements, data and gathering procedures.
  • research is to find out something and discover the truth behind a new topic
  • to prove and achieve accurate/trustable information
  • to avoid misleading information to the audience.

Question 2
List the 4 non-scientific sources of knowledge as introduced in Lecture 1, giving 2 examples for each of these methods of knowing.

a. agreement reality (something which is agreed by everyone whether it is proven or not)

  • ghost
  • myth
b. experiential reality ( something that u experienced )

  • driving a car and banging a tree can cause the broken of the leg.
  • ice skating can cause knee dislocation.
c.tradition ( its fixed long time ago )

  • wearing black colour clothing is not allowed during chinese new year
  • sweeping the floor is not allowed on the first day of chinese new year
d. authority (knowledge/experience in something)

  • information from the textbook
  • information of a lecturer

Question 3
One of the foundation of science inquiry states that social science researchers are interested in groups, aggregates or collection, but not individuals.

What kind of groups can you think of that mass media researchers would be interested in when conducting their research?

a. young adults
b. children

What kind of topics do you think mass media researchers would be interested to research on with these groups?

a. why do young adults use facebook?
b. why do people prefer animated movies than real actors and actress movies?

Question 4
Define variables and their attributes.

Give four (4) possible attributes for each of the following variables:

i. Racial groups

  • chinese
  • malay
  • indian
  • iban
ii. Education level

  • kindergarten
  • primary school
  • secondary school
  • college/university
iii. Number of magazines a teenager buy in a month

  • none
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3

iv. Agreement/Attitude towards violence on TV

  • They might follow their the actions in the programme
  • disagree with the actions
  • agree with the actions
  • scared and paranoid of the surroundings
v. Types of smartphone in the market today

  • touch screen
  • wide screen
  • thin
  • camera
The End.....

Tan Jia Xuan (Angeline)

Monday, 8 October 2012

Introduction of This Group.

This is made for our BCR (Basic Communication Research) Tutorial. We will be posting the answers for the Tutorial questions given by our lecturer, Ms Ngim.

But first, an introduction of our group members. This group contains 5 members.
First is the leader of the group, Tan Yong Loke (0310472) also known as Grace.
Second we have Siti Amellia Binti Mohamed Feroz (0310239).
Third member is Chua Xin Yi (0310191), nickname Xyi.
Fourth will be Tan Jia Xuan (0309954), also known as Angeline.
Fifth is Angelina Lee Tze Theng (0310346).
And last but not least, our sixth member, Pauline Yam Su Fern (0309206).

We hope to achieve what our Lecturer wants, and update this blog as soon and as much as possible. We also hope that viewers will support and go through our mistakes, so we can do better in the future. As a leader, I also hope that my members will be cooperative with me and update this blog. Team Effort, is what I'm hoping to see in my group.

So, look for our updates! We want to know other opinions too!

Tan Yong Loke (Grace)